Friday, March 2, 2012

Age Aggressively's Commandments

I, <insert your name here>, do solemnly swear to abide by Age Aggressively's Commandments*.
  1. Thou shall not whine, cry, or otherwise indicate that thou wearest diapers; unless thy diapers are part of your racing costume
  2. Thou shall not gloat over those slower, nor revere those faster
  3. Thou shall appreciate spandex in all its sizes
  4. Thou shall always encourage
  5. Thou shall help a fallen comrade and confirm his well-being before mocking him
  6. Thou shall not take thyself too seriously
  7. Thou shall not mock your friends if thou can giveth but not taketh, thou shall shut-up
  8. Thou shall rejoice successes regardless of place, knowing thou hast finished
  9. Thou shall not make excuses for sucking
  10. Thou shall rejoice failures, for it will make you better next time
  11. Thou shall make friends of strangers, for they art on thy same journey
  12. Thou shall chase bunnies
  13. Thou shall not brag
  14. Thou shall high-five, hug, or show other acts of congratulations to those who came, saw, and conquered
  15. Thou shall ridicule thyself first and congratulate thyself last
  16. Thou shall admit that there is nothing thou cannot do, and then join the race
  17. Thou shall cheer those finishing after you, and commend those who finished before
  18. Thou shall enjoy the journey
  19. Thou shall have fun
  20. Thou shall not quit
*I understand that this list can change without warning and, if so, I must change with it if I intend to maintain continued awesomeness and Aggressive Aging.  I hear by promise to myself and all others who heed the call of the Aggressives that I will uphold the dignity and sanctity of our creed, or at least some semblance thereof.

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