Thursday, June 7, 2012

Aggressively Lazy

Dear fellow Aggressives,

I would like to sincerely apologize for my lack of posts lately.  I could make excuses, I really could.  In fact, here are a few I wanted to use:

1) "I have been so very busy aggressively winning all my races that I haven't had a chance to write down all the aggressive awesomeness..."

but you would know that I was lying partly because I have a penchant for hyperbole but mostly because I don't win and if I did you would definitely hear about it.

2) "I recently found out I am pregnant..."

but, yeah.... no uterus...

3) "A secret government agency put together a new task force and needed me to join them in their defense of the planet against the dark forces of Loki..."

but, that team already has a Captain and the Black Widow has a restraining order against me.

4) "I stopped all running, cycling, swimming, and obstacling and, therefore, blogging, to start my new hobby: Aggressively Napping..."

and this is the only one you may have believed.

Truth is, I've been lazy.  Lazy training.  Lazy blogging.  Lazy lazy-ing.  Maybe it's the season or the weather.  Whatever it is, I don't like it.  So here's the deal.  I will start writing again if you promise to be patient with me, be gentle, and not too critical.  I'm sensitive.

I may be on my period.

(coming sooner than you think... my first installment of the 2012 Mount Snow Tough Mudder review... seriously, it's coming soon!)

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